Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Carter is a HOTDOG!!! He likes to suck on his outfit and kick around in it. We are excited to hand out candy to all the kiddos tonight.
We will post more pictures when we are home for the night.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe Halloween.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween pictures... A little early

We have to take advantage of our time! So, here are some pictures! We are having a good start to the week.
He's rolling over more, and still the same little happy boy. We have his therapy appt and his doctors appt on the 12th. He has to get shots again... Ugh! I cried last time, hopefully it's not as bad. I have planned ahead and daddy will be attending to be our support. :)

I'm adding a picture of Elly in her cute outfit I bought her. She's absolutely beautiful.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekend away

This weekend was spent in Cuchara with my parents and my sisters family. We had a great time. Traveling is much more involved when you have a little one. We had a great time but the weekend sure went fast.
Now that we are home we gave tons of laundry and unpacking to do. Carter's napping now so I better get to it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rolling over!!!!

Earlier today Carter rolled over three times in a row!!! I I can get it on camera or video I will post tonight. Exciting stuff!


Well here we are and it's Thursday. I apologize for not posting but after working all day the only thing I want/have time to do is play with Carter. He is getting bigger! He is doing great with tummy time and even has a new little boppy to help. His hair got darker and thicker yesterday, well nick and I both noticed it.
He's eating more and taking good naps.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Great Weekend

We had a fantastic weekend with the Prince's! We are so blessed.

Carter is getting much better at tummy time. He is grabbing his toys better and he thinks his hands are the most interesting things around! :)

I've been soaking up every second with my little guy. I'm not sure how, but I fall more in love with him everyday. He is so amazing.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Big Boy

We had weigh in today at the doctors office! He weighs 11lbs 14oz! He gained 36oz in 35 days. His next appt is on the 14th, he'll get more shots. :(

Well I survived this week without Nick. I was a single mom all week while he was out of town in training. I don't know how single moms do it!!!! I'm exhausted!

Doug and Donna arrived today! They can't get enough of our little guy.