Friday, November 30, 2012

More rolling...

Carter officially rolled from his back to his tummy tonight!!!! Not once but at least 10 times! We are so proud!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

6 month pictures :)

Here is the link to Carter's 6 month pictures. We think they turned out great!!

The Prince's

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In his mouth!

Everything is going in his mouth! His fingers spend most of the day being chewed on. :) He is "talking" a lot, moving around a lot and smiling a lot! We have been working on sitting up and rolling over. He still hasn't found his feet, they catch his eye every now and then but they don't interest him that much.
We got the call today that he can FINALLY get his RSV shot!!! YAY! We can't wait for him to start it, it will make us feel better. We also found him a new doctor that we really like. They are the ones that got his shot for us.
We are discussing when he will be baptized. We can't wait for that day.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Babbling Baby

Carter has officially found his voice! He found it Monday the 19th and has been babbling since. It is really cute. He is very interested in what's going on around him. When he's eating it's hard to keep the bottle in because he's moving his head so much.
Carter is in the process of learning to sleep exclusively in his crib. It's been rough. He likes to be near/on someone. Last night he was whining a lot, allowing me to only get 3 hours of sleep. It's all worth it knowing he's safest in his crib though. He'll get the hang of it soon.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I would like to start by writing what I'm Thankful for. First and foremost, God! Secondly my son and husband! Last but certainly not least my family, my church, and my friends.
We had a wonderful day filled with family and food! Doug, Donna and great Uncle Jim are in town, we've really enjoyed the company.
Our families spent the day together, warms my heart! We wish the entire family could be together, but it wasn't possible.
Carter is feeling better and enjoying the company.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sick little boy

Carter got sick yesterday! :( We are dealing with a stuffy nose and cough and one smiley little guy! He sure is happy when he's sick. We are hoping it passes fast, until then we are staying in.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not just eating milk anymore....

Carter has officially tried oatmeal, from a spoon. Lets just say it was pretty messy. He still has the reflex that pushes things out of his mouth, so the bib got most of it.
He is getting so big! He is such a JOY! I love being home with him! We play, he naps while I clean and work, and we can't forget that he eats a lot.