Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Best night yet!

Carter slept in his crib from 9-2. He even woke up, chewed on Sophie (his giraffe) and put himself back to sleep, twice!!! He did it all sleeping on his belly. What that means for him, he's finally learning to self soothe and is getting more comfortable in his crib. What that means for me... NO SLEEP! He likes to bury his nose when he's on his tummy so I sit up watching him constantly. He did great last night, didn't bury his nose except for a couple of times. I'm so proud of my little guy! Praying tonight is the same! I'll go without sleep if he can figure out how to sleep in his crib.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Carter has had a rash under his chin on his neck and chest for a while. It's because he drools so much. We try our best to keep it as dry as possible, but it's not easy. Today it's pretty bad. We washed it really good, as gentle as we could be. It's really red and looks like it hurts. Tomorrow that will be my priority.

He's doing great sitting up, and continues to try really hard to crawl. He babbles a lot and has started 'squealing' a little louder. He's finding his voice! Yay!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Good day

He had a great day today! He ate a lot of oatmeal. We tried bananas last night and he was not a fan. He made some really funny faces.

He's sleeping right now, and I'm getting ready to move him to his crib. Hopefully he does better than last night.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Eating better

He's really starting to like sweet potatoes! I think we will try bananas next. He slept in his crib until 1am without crying the other night! I was pretty excited!!! Then last night he was back to wanting to sleep with me, we were up late....

His little girlfriend Elly is coming for a visit in February and we couldn't be happier! We haven't seen them since the day we left. We talk everyday, but it'll be nice to give them hugs!!

The last two days we've enjoyed somewhat good weather. Mid 50's yesterday and 65 today so we took advantage and went on a walk both days.

Enjoy the pictures! I HAVE to include a couple of Elly so you can see how beautiful she is.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sweet potatoes

We decided to let Carter try sweet potatoes this morning. He's not so sure about them!

Last night was rough for me. He decided he didn't want to sleep in his crib at all, and cried every time I laid him in his rocker. So.... He finally went to bed in his rocker at midnight. He woke up at 4 to eat, and decided he wanted to play!!! He was up till about 5:30 playing and squealing in his crib. He cried as soon as he got tired and went back to sleep in his rocker.

He is jumping now and having fun. If the weather is nice we may go for a walk. Being stuck in the house all day gets old after a while.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Finally back to blogging!!!!

I apologize for the lack of blogging. The application on my phone is not working correctly and that's how I was blogging at 2AM. =)

In the last couple of weeks Carter sure has developed! He is now on his tummy most of the time. He can pivot left and right and is showing signs of crawling. The therapist thinks he'll be crawling before next month. He has learned how to push himself backwards so now he just needs to learn to push forward. He is reaching for toys, switching them from his left hand to his right, and is banging them. He loves sucking on his toes and holding on to his feet. He is babbling and squealing, it is the cutest thing. He loves playing with his toys that make noise and could do it for hours. He found my hair!!!!! He loves pulling on it when he gets the chance.

We are constantly wiping his face and neck, he drools non stop. It gives him a rash and so we try our hardest to keep it dry, which is not easy! He smiles when we walk in the room, which just melts our hearts. We are trying oatmeal again, he's doing a little better. Most of it ends up on his bib, but practice helps! He loves watching his dogs, and pulling their hair too. =)

We are still trying to get him to sleep all night in his crib, which hasn't been easy. We will continue to try until he gets it. He is rolling around until he runs into something that stops him. His hair is growing nicely, but is still bald in the back. He splashes during his bath now and seems to enjoy it more.

We have been told time and time again what a well behaved baby we have. We couldn't agree more! He rarely cries or whines. If he is tired or hungry we will hear some whining but other than that he is laughing and babbling. We are so proud of our little guy!! On Wednesday he weighed in at 15 pounds 10 ounces and is approximately 26 inches long. He is out growing his 6 month clothes, which just seems crazy.

I hope this finds everyone well, and we will continue to find the time to update the blog.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Sorry for not posting! We will try to get better.
Carter is doing great! Working on sitting up on his own and he is almost crawling. He is making the cutest noises and is still smiley as ever.
He is just about 16 pounds and is 26 inches long. He is due for another RSV shot this week.
He has a 9 month appointment next month as well as an eye appointment. We finally get to see Elly and family sometime in February, and couldn't be happier!