Monday, April 29, 2013

Carter's starting to crawl on all fours

He really started crawling on all fours today. When he decided he wasn't getting there quick enough he would revert to army crawling. He LOVES standing! He thinks he can walk already and sometimes falls.

He LOVES being read too! He has even learned how to turn the pages, it's the cutest thing!

We can't wait to celebrate his birthday this week! I can't believe he's already going to be one!

Friday, April 26, 2013

One year ago today...

One year ago today Nick and I had our 3D ultrasound.... I'll add pictures.

Carter is standing and walking while holding on to the couch. He's finally learned to fall more gracefully. He tries to sit now, it's really cute.

We have an appointment to check Carter's weight on his birthday! I'm really excited!!! :)

He stands up in his crib when he's awake. It's cute but scares me. We've lowered the crib but may need to do so again.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Standing a lot

Carter spends most of his day standing! He loves his new pull up and stand toys. Today I was typing an email and when I looked up, him and his stand up toy were across the room... He slowly pushed and walked with it to the other side of the room! He is such a sweetheart.

He's eating level one and level two solids. He still can't have anything with texture like Cheerios or dried yogurt bites. He throws up every time there's something 'stuck' on his tongue. Hopefully this goes away soon.

His birthday party is planned for the most part! I can't wait to celebrate his birthday! What a year it's been!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just some pictures

Nothing new, just standing a lot!
He loves standing and trying to move from side to side. He learns so quickly! He is AMAZING!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Getting big

Carter crawled on all fours today for a few seconds!!!! He can officially go from crawling to sitting up to pulling himself up to sometimes sitting down gently. :)
He is eating a lot of solids lately and loves sweet potatoes and apples.

He is still getting over his cold, he has had the mucus around since Easter. Prayed for it to go away last night, and today it seemed a little better. It's been hindering his sleep so we would like it to go away.

Enjoy the pictures!! As usual I'll add some of Elly too!!!!