Monday, June 24, 2013


We are up to SEVEN! 

Now that he's on the move it's a lot harder to find the time to update the blog. This mommy is TIRED. ;) 

He is doing great. We are still struggling with textures when it comes to eating. He is however finally beginning to eat 'puffs'. He still gags and throws up once and a great while but he's getting better. 

His cousin is doing ok, and has another appointment today at 2 to check his white blood cell count. It will determine whether or not they finish chemo this month. We are still praying for him. 

We hope this finds all of you well. We appreciate you following Carter's blog. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Carter is a little grumpy as he has 3 teeth coming in up top.. OUCH! He chews in on anything and everything. He waived bye bye for the first time last night!!! Yay!! 
He enjoyed his little pool and the sun yesterday. He really is such a joy. He's getting more vocal. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Braedyn updates

Please copy and paste this into your browser
 for updates on Brae:

Friday, June 7, 2013

Braedyn update

He starts chemo tomorrow around 3. I can't even begin to express how scared I am for him. I know it's the beginning of recovery for him, it's just scary. It's not fair! It's going to be hard to watch. I pray for my brother to have strength through this. I pray for comfort and patience for all of us. 
I will pray until I fall asleep tonight. I just can't stop thinking about the road he has ahead. 

Carter is doing great, we prayed a lot together today. 
He is growing into a little boy, a handsome little boy! I see his daddy in him more and more every day. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Time with Brae

We spent some time with Brae today and we're happy he was happy!!! It was a GREAT visit!