Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 2 with Noelle

Carter and Noelle enjoyed the outdoors for a little bit today. He also got another massage, he loves it! He really likes it when you rub his head, puts him to sleep almost every time.
I on the other hand had a rough day. There were lots of tears. Today was harder for me for some reason.
I heard from Elly's mom today and I am happy to report that she is going great! I can't wait to get them together again. Well, off to bed since he's asleep. Have a good night everyone.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First day with Noelle

Well, we all survived! We all actually had a great day. Carter received his first infant massage today. He slept for a couple hours after, he was very relaxed.
I called Noelle every hour to check on them. I know, it's annoying! Oh well, I'm a new mom and that's what we do.
We noticed today that the fluid under his scalp is smaller!! Hopefully this means it will be gone soon.
We are off to give the little guy a much needed bath. Thank you all for following blog and for praying for my little boy! We are so blessed!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekend update

We ran errands on Saturday with the little guy. He did great! He went through his first carwash. I recorded a little 30 second video of him sleeping through the loud noises. :)
On Sunday we just lounged and did chores. We prepared for Noelle to come tomorrow, she's our nanny. I have already teared up thinking about tomorrow. It won't be easy leaving my little guy. I am currently cuddling with him and kissing him every chance I get. I was telling Nick tonight that the hardest part about all of this is knowing that Noelle will get to see some of his "firsts." It tears at my heart strings.
There is no love like a mothers love!!!! Now I know what that really means.
Asking for prayers. Praying for strength, patience, and comfort. Thank you again for following the blog, and I apologize it doesn't get updated on a regular basis, we try! :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Newborn Pictures... FINALLY

Sorry for the delay in updating the blog. With our precious little guy home, time gets away from us. I am happy to report that we finally had our first professional photo shoot today. Carter did FANTASTIC!!! He only cried for a second when he was hungry. It took a good two hours to get all the shots, and we were all wiped out when we were finally done. We will share them as soon as we are able.

I have noticed that my "mini baby" as I call him, is not so mini anymore. He is growing up, he is getting longer and obviously putting on the pounds. =) His little double chin makes him look bigger than he actually is, but that's ok it suits him well. His head is looking bigger to me (not the squishy part) and my arms get sore after holding him for a while. He is moving his arms and hands around a lot these days and is very alert when he is awake. He will have a developmental evaluation in early September. They will come out and see if he is where he needs to be and teach us things we can do to help. I can't wait for them to tell me he is right where he should be! I know he is! He is going to be something great!!

Carter's next doctors appointment is on the 4th, and I can hardly wait to see what the scale has to say. The fluid under his scalp is still there... With time I guess it will go. What else is new..... Oh, he is pooping more these days!! I am still not sure Nick has changed a poopy one, Carter seems to save them for me. That's okay I don't mind a bit!

I am happy to report that Carter's girl friend Elly is doing great! She is coming up on 7 pounds. My goal for Carter and Elly is for them to be life long friends. =)

Thank you again for following the blog and for caring so much about our little boy. He sure is something special and I am head over heels for him. We are SO blessed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Good day

Well his daddy (me) stayed home with Carter today for the second day in a row. He is such a good boy! He was great in eating a bunch, burping well, sleeping great and most of all, being cute. His oxygen was picked up today from the house by the oxygen vendor. It's finally gone!

We watched a news story today about whooping cough and the recent outbreak in Colorado. It scared us. If anyone is going to be around Carter, we are adamant that they get vaccinated since he doesn't have a normal immune system yet. Scary stuff.

I've attached pics of his cuteness today so enjoy!

- Nick

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Funday

We hung out at home all day and had a wonderful day! We finally picked the zucchini we let grow!!!! Check out the pictures!
Tomorrow I return to work! I am already missing my little man! I love him so very much and it hurts to know I won't be with him tomorrow. Praying for strength and patience!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Busy weekend

Sorry for not updating but we've been enjoying family!
Donna, my mom and myself went to the Golden art festival today. We had a great time. The weather was perfect, it was a great way to spend a couple of hours away.
Carter is having fun visiting with family. He peed on his dad for the first time. :)
We have noticed over the last few days that Carter is moving his hands more, and has started gripping things. His cry has also gotten louder. He is doing great with tummy time. His neck is strong. He got a new mat today so we will post a picture later.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Neurosurgeon Appt Today -- UPDATED

We had a good day yesterday. We were both home all day. We ran errands and cleaned house.

Carter has his neurosurgeon appointment today at 3:30. Nick and I think we'll hear what we've always heard before, but we'll see. We think they will tell us that it will go away with time. We are tired of a "squishy" head. We will update the blog with the results.

Nicks parents will arrive this afternoon and spend the weekend here.

I have been so blessed to have all this time with my baby, going back to work will be a challenge. He is so sweet, and if it were up to me the three of us would spend every minute together. Unfortunately we didn't win Powerball last night so for now that's a dream!

We are headed home from his appointment and as we thought, it will go away with time. Nothing to be worried about! We were thoroughly impressed with Children's hospital. It was beautiful inside and the staff was amazing! The doctor even told us to have a nice life! We took that as we won't be seeing him again, which is wonderful!