As I lay here in bed tonight, I can't help but think that this has been a long day. Carter had 15 Brady's today. Each one was scary and seemed to be impossibly long although in reality I'm sure they were mere seconds. Mid way through the day, the nurses took out his large gauge feeding tube and fed a smaller one down his nose in its place. Since that time, he's had 1 brady. This showed Sandy and I that he will certainly let us know when he doesn't like something! At the end of the day, he looked exhausted and beat up. As we left the hospital tonight, he was sound asleep flat on his face looking very very cute.
Sandy has a red painful area on her hand where her iv was inserted at the hospital 2 weeks ago. She received antibiotics for it today and was told to go to the ER if it creeps up her arm at all. That could mean blood poisoning. And that doesn't sound fun. Keep her in your prayers.
On top of all that, our golden retriever Gunner had neck spasms and was in terrible pain! We've since given him some doggy meds and he's incrementally getting better. Poor guy.
All in all today was a day full of tests and education. Turns out we all survived and are looking forward to a better day tomorrow.