Carter did really well in his hood, impressing all of the nurses. Of course he had some apnea and Brady's but for the most part, he was content to just lay around and suck on his pacifier.
He is noticeably more happy when he he is being fed and he bradys less when that happens. His digestion and pooping is going very well so we expect to see some weight gain in the next week. Speaking of which, he gained another 20 grams - up to 970 total which is his birth weight.
My parents left today so we will have to find out what "normal" life will look like now. It was so nice having my mother here to help us out with EVERYTHING!
Sandy's hand update: it's turned into a non-issue at this point. The antibiotics and ibuprofen have a good grip on whatever was disturbing her vein.
Although Carter's progress is nothing but encouraging, he still is in a very scary state consisting of random alarms indicating dropping respiratory rates, oxygen levels and heart rates. The encouraging part is that he pretty much fixes all of these alarms on his own. Still, he needs all the prayers he can get.