When Sandy and I took Carter to the doctor's office early this morning, we truly had no idea how he would fare. We certainly were very happy to hear that Carter Douglas Prince is now a 6lbs 1oz baby with great health and no issues! No wonder as he has been taking down some serious milk volume as of late. Tonight he breast fed for 20 minutes then proceeded to down 50ml of milk (a normal feed size) and then decided to have dessert in the form of another 10 minute breast feed. After he was done, he decided to continue sticking his tongue out at us telling us he wanted more!
Sleep has become but a fleeting memory for us lately. Sandy's probably rolling her eyes right now since she has been bearing the majority of the middle-of-the-night burden and I have had more nap-time than she. Nonetheless we both have begun to better resemble zombies than humans. Maybe someday we will trust that he'll sleep through the night without requiring breathing supervision, but that day has not come as of yet.
Carter's mother and I are still trying to get our routine down. We're still not taking into account the extra 10 minutes that everything takes due to setup and packing time being necessary. We were almost late to the doctor! Another thing we've noticed is that there are a bunch of morons on the road. Carter being in the car brings into sharp relief the few good drivers versus the large majority of everyone else. That's my official old-man-rant for the night.
My mother has been a godsend this week once again. Through helping with meals and running errands to helping us out with Carter, she has significantly lightened the load through these first transitional days. The three of us want to let you know that you are very loved and appreciated, Mom!
Finally, tonight we are asking that you keep the families affected in the movie theater shooting in your prayers as well as Carter. This has truly been a tragic day in the greater Denver community and many lives have been permanently affected unnecessarily.
Nick & Sandy