Thursday, July 12, 2012


Carter is a growing boy! He is 5lbs 10 oz and he took down 70cc of milk twice today. He's only supposed to get 50 but the nurses saw his hunger and decided to test it.

He was put back on oxygen today since he was getting a little tired with his new feeds and he was desatting a bit. No bradies today - 3 days in a row. Carter passed his developmental tests today. These consist of various exams by the developmental therapist and she said she was very happy with his progress. He also will get his circumcision this weekend and his eye exam tomorrow.

All signs are pointing towards an approaching departure. We don't know when that will be but as you can see, there are some very different events and discussions happening in Carter's life in comparison to a couple weeks ago. We can't wait to get him home but we are also apprehensive (as all parents are when they bring home any newborn) because everything will be turned over to us and that's scary. Pray for another great day for Carter tomorrow.

Nick & Sandy