Well today the NICU went on gowns and gloves policy for all visitors. There are two babies other than Carter that have come down with the bloody-poop-itis that Carter is experiencing. Luckily it was only a temporary thing as they lifted the precaution around noon. Nurses still have to abide by the policy however because they are in contact with multiple babies.
Carter has grown to 5lbs 10oz and he also grew 3cm in length and 1.5 cm in head circumference. We aren't leaping out of our chairs yet about his weight. After all, he hasn't been eating and weight gain under these circumstances may be attributed to water retention. But ya know what it ISN'T? A weight loss. For that, we couldn't be happier.
The schedule remains the same for Carter. Blood tests and a scheduled head ultrasound will comprise his Monday morning. Depending upon the results of the blood work, he may resume his feedings or they may opt for a Wednesday start. Either way, we'll both be at work when it happens. Sandy goes back tomorrow and she's pretty bummed about it. She knows that there's light at the end of the tunnel because Carter doesn't have too much longer in the NICU before he is discharged into the sole care of his parents. I call that day the beginning of Parenting 2.0 since we have had a different story than the norm thus far.
Carter remains diligently focused on growing, healing and maturing. His oxygen levels remain phenomenal and he has now been off supplemental oxygen for two days straight. His instinctual focus is something that we all can learn from and be thankful for. Carter's life has been excellent so far and he is looking forward to continuing that trend. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Nick & Sandy