Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Carter had a wonderful day today. No bradys! His feeds have gone up in volume twice now because he is so hungry! He's up to 26cc of breast milk and weighing in at 2450 grams - 10 more than last night. In domestic terms, that's still 5lbs 9oz.

Carter will more than likely lose a little weight over the next couple of days. This is natural because he got his IV out today. That, coupled with him being oxygen and feeding tube free means that tonight is Carter's first night ever in which the only things attached to him are monitors. No assistance anymore for this big boy. We are confident that this step will last and are very pleased with his progress.

He will continue to have increased feedings as he can tolerate them. The plan is to increase by 3cc's every other feed (6cc per day). Carter gets his eye exam later this week and more than likely will receive another hearing test as well. He has to go a minimum of 5 days consecutively without bradying to be eligible for discharge. That is ONE criterion for leaving.

Reverend Dent came by again today from Trinity Methodist Church - which we consider our church - to visit Carter. He told Sandy that he prays all the time for Carter and he has been by to visit many times. We appreciate him and the church more than we can put into words and I felt it appropriate to mention him here.

As I said in an earlier post in different terms, the resilience of this child is amazing. Not only did he bounce back quickly but he seems to have thrived during his recovery. I'm not going to be naive enough to think that he's completely over his illness but I am very proud of his disposition and progress throughout this tough time and all of the others. Pray for a good night and continued positive movement.

Nick & Sandy