Carter only had two bradys all day - and one of those was caused by the nurse positioning his head incorrectly while trying to change him. He gained another 30 grams up to 1630 - 3lbs 9oz now!
He did really good at nuzzling with mommy today - no choking and he was swallowing the milk very well. Sandy asked about his hematacrite levels today - the blood cell count that he is getting the injections for - because they said it was low the other day. He was measuring at 24. The doctor told her that the high 20's is normal. So he's not that far off and this is probably as low as he will ever go. He has hit his floor for that number. They will test it again to judge the effectiveness of the drug after his week long round of shots is complete next Sunday.
After Kangaroo time with me, we decided to dress him ourselves. Tonight we learned the hard way how difficult it can be to dress a preemie that had various tubes and monitors attached to him. Long story short, we spilled breast milk all over his little elephant shirt/pant combo and had to start over. We thought Carter would start crying but he was relatively calm and forgiving of our novice attempt to dress him.
Carter had a very good and mild day. Everything he is being asked to do he is doing to the nth degree. He's an inspiration to us all.
Nick & Sandy