"Remember Mom and Dad, I'm still a preemie" seems to be what Carter was saying to us today.
Sandy thinks his head issue shrunk and I think it stayed the same. The nurse thinks it grew. Either way, he is getting a neurologist consult late next week. We still think everything will resolve itself.
In regards to the reminders of his prematurity, Carter got his point across a couple ways. The first showed itself in the form of an umbilical hernia. He pushes so much that he blew his intestines out of his abdominal wall. The good thing about this is that it's pretty common in preemie boys. The second way was via bradycardia. While I was holding him tonight, Carter decided that he would have two back to back bradys from which he needed outside stimulation to recover. He turned stark white during this time and it scared the bejesus out of us. We think he was tired from all of the good things he did today.
Ah the good things. Let's start at his ravenous hunger. He finished a full bottle for mommy earlier in the day and another half bottle tonight. Then he got a bath, which is always a time of high stress and calorie burning. His weight came in at 4lbs and 15oz! We think tomorrow is the day we hit 5lbs!
All of this combined with the fact that his tube was slated to go deeper in his stomach (due to growth) at 11pm tonight, seem to have come to a head at that point and caused a couple bradys. He's fine now and SOUND asleep. He's such a good boy and we are so very proud of him.
Please keep Stephanie, Ryan and Gavin in your thoughts. Their dog Sasha went to heaven tonight. We love them very much and wish them comfort in the coming days.
Nick & Sandy